Sunday, July 19, 2009

The world this week (13 - 19 July)

This has been quite a week and has some thing different it. This is the first week after so many weeks that went without watching a single movie and so the quest for an unknown is on with full vigor. Aviral came to Bangalore after his term break only to leave today to his "divinely" inspired mission and Meha gave me a brilliant shirt and hopefully i will try that tomorrow. My relationship with Pratiksha is going at a very steep slope and i am enjoying every passing moment with her.

On the international front, India again sold her self out to the dangerous Pakistan (at Sharm-el-Sheikh resort close to Red sea on the sidelines of 15th NAM summit) and i dont know how many times we will try to broke a deal with "nonbeliever" Pakistan. I have seen myself so many times we tried only to be attacked on a higher pane. There are two issues between Pakistan and India:
1. Issue of Kashmir
I think the only solution for the issue of Kashmir is to hold a plebiscite in each and every district of Jammu and Kashmir (including the so called POK) with three options: to accede to India, Pakistan or to remain Independent. The fate of each district should then be decided on this plebiscite. In order to make continuous boundary, population should be transferred without repeating mistakes of genocidal partition of 1947.
2. Issue of Afghanistan
India's every increasing presence on the border of Pakistan (i.e. in Afghanistan) is making things precarious of Pakistan and no defence strategist can deny this. Pakistan should understand that India has every right to make any relation with Afghanistan and before blaming India on security concerns Pakistan should try to think about her relationship with China on top of Kashmir. India is just give a fitting reply to the grand and ominous relation of Pak and China this time.

On the cricket front, Australia is trying hard to lose this Ashes and no one will be more happier than me.



aviral said...

divinely inspired mission ;-)

BTW Bangladesh beat WI again...

No mention of Mr Hari Puttar??

Neeraj Jadaun said...

Yes indeed..
I dont remember india ever defeated WI by this margin. Keep in mind it was B grade side of WI.
I lost Mr. Harri Puttar to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. ;)