Himalayan Blunder is an incredible book by a man who himself commanded the Indian troops in the famous battle of Thagla Ridge (20th Oct 1962). This book is a must read fir every Indian although this book was banned initially by the government. This book exposes the poor planning, strategy and politicization of Indian Army. Brigadier Dalvi was taken as POW by invading Chinese troops when his entire Brigade disintegrated after giving a tough fight to Chinese in-spite of limited ration and ammunition. India lost the war mainly because of romantic pro-China idealism of Nehru, political interference in the functioning of Indian Army by then Defence Minister Mr. Menon and timidity of Indian Army Chief General Thapar, and escapades of incapable and politically connected General Kaul.
Brigadier Dalvi is spot on when he says that his regiment was used as cannon fodder by political leaders of the country to score public popularity. The poor soldiers of Indian Army did bot have food, boots, warm clothes, ammunition and no artillery support and still they fought for the ashes of their fathers, sanctity of their motherland and honour of their Army. They were massacred but before that they showed the entire world that Indian Rajputs, Gorkhas and Punjabis are the bravest soldiers in world. These soldiers repelled 3 attacks of heavy Chinese infantry supported by heavy artillery but poorly equipped minority force can not win against heavily equipped battle hardened majority force. Our posts on Namka Chu river were destroyed within a single day on 20th Oct 1962 and the disrobing of India's honour was complete.
Indian soldiers defended Ladakh region successfully for many days but they were also forced to retreat but not before destroying huge number of Chinese, specially in the Chushul region (Battle of Rezang La). After experiencing these reverses India had to plead before UK and USA ( Nehru criticized the same countries in Korean War 1950-53 and Suez War-1956) and credit to these countries that they provided unconditional help to India. General Thapar, General Kaul and Defence Minister Mr. Menon resigned but Indian honour was lost forever.
Lets remember the soldiers who fought in the difficult and impossible conditions 50 years ago when our parents and grand parents were perhaps celebrating Diwali or Eid or both. Let's remember those soldiers for their supreme selfless sacrifice and let's take a vow to take the defence of this country seriously.
Highly Recommended (8/10)