Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Innocent Girl

My first poem of this year:

One day i was siiting with Shobhit,
at the stairs of an old class room,
A girl came to unlock her bicycle,
as she was coming from other room,

I saw, I dreamed, who's she what thy name,
only helped by shobhit to know thy name,
never heard a buddying name, entire life,
only to fall in love with owner of thy life,

One day i was sitting with Shobhit,
at the stairs of an old class room,
I tried to talk to her so many times,
only to be failed, tried hard next time

Then came her birthday as told by my frnd,
then came the dream company, the same day,
Some one told me you will get that company,
only to prove that prophecy even exist today.

Those were the days i wept many times each day,
only to emerge stronger day after each day,
As some one shouted from behind
"Yeh Katha Kahani Kisse hain kuch bhi,
To Sar Nahin Baba", although this is not truth.

-----------Neeraj Kumar Jadaun
(Excerpts from 'The Gone Days' in BHU)
At last but as many says not the least, I strongly condemned the twin bomb blasts at Jama Masjid, Old Delhi. Some body has to stop them.


aviral said...

yeh kathaa kahaani kisse hain kuch bhi to saar nahi baba...

Anonymous said...

ye wahin to nahin jinka zikra aaj tak tumhare liye hota hai...kash agar aisa hota to woh jata types...anyways poem is good ...keep up the tempo
