Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Book Review [156] : The Last Girl - Nadia Murad

This Diwali the US President Donald Trump did a great favour to entire Human Civilization by vaporizing the most dreaded Terrorist and evil incarnate Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Ask any Yazidi you will understand the gravity of the crimes committed by this evil person. It was a strange coincident that i happened to finish 'The Last Girl' by Nadia Murad on that very day. Nadia Murad is a brave Yazidi girl. She like many thousand Yazidis was subjected to most horrific war crimes including gang-rape and sex slavery. Her family was gunned down and thrown in ditch like many thousand Yazidis in August of 2014. She was awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 2018. 'The Last Girl' is not only her story but story of all Yazidis.
Yazidis are 1 million strong endogamous community native of northern Iraq in Ninveh region. Yazidi religion is different from Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Zoroastrianism. Yazidis consider Tauwsi Malek a Peacock Angel that connects them to the God. They also believe in reincarnation theory. Their holy shrines are located in Lalish valley. Their priestly caste is called Shaikhs. They call their holy shrines - Temple. They also believe that all Kurds were originally Yazidis but converted to Islam in last few centuries. Yazidis suffered Pogroms 73 times in their history.
This is an account of Nadia Murad. She writes in detail how ISIS captured her village Kocho in northern Iraq. How all men and old women were gunned down and how young women were sexually abused and sold in slavery as Sabbiya as per the ISIS version of Islam. Yazidis were not considered people of the Book hence they deserved either conversion or total annihilation. Christians were given safe passage to safer places as they were people of the book. Nadia Murad family was massacred, she was sold in sex slavery. She was brave and she managed to escape with help from God. In this book she writes that its better to die than to live as sex slave. Many times she thought of committing suicide but she did not get that chance. 
The Jauhar of Padmavati echoed in my mind. I often wonder about our country's so called liberals and intellectuals. When Padmavati movie came many of them criticized action of Queen Padmavati in that movie they all said that it was better to go to Alauddin Khilji than committing Jauhar. No one is and no one can become a greater feminist than Nadia Murad and she preferred death over becoming sex slave. 
Its hard to believe that people can commit such horrific crimes in the name of religion. The Sunni Muslim neighbours did not help Yazidis and many turned Yazidis to ISIS. Though one Sunni family helped Nadia Murad but it was too late by then. About 5000 Yazidis were massacred about 10,000 were enslaved and others managed to escape. This was the brutality of ISIS supported by Sunni Muslims in the name of religion.
When Ab Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed in an US raid, the prominent liberal newspaper The Washington Post published his obituary as:

I don't have any words to express. Perhaps the people of The Washington Post should have read about Yazidis. Calling Baghdadi an 'austere religious scholar' is like adding insult to the injuries suffered by Yazidis and other victims.
This is a great book and everyone should read it.  
Highly Recommended (10/10).