Sunday, May 19, 2024

Crime Diary : Bijnor Shocker

On May 16th/17th midnight at about 0040 hrs my PRO informed me that two girls (5 and 7 years old) had been found murdered in one room house in Goahawar Jait village coming under Noopur Police Station. This was a sensational information so I immediately rushed to the crime scene along with my team. Field unit team along with Dog squad team was also called in.

We reached the crime spot in about 45 minutes. The crime scene was a house with just 3.5 m by 2.5 m size room. This family is a very poor family. There are 5 daughters (13 years, 11 years, 7 years, 9 years and 5 years old) and 1 year old son. The first two daughters are from first marriage of Kavita (name changed)  and remaining are from her current husband Namdev (name changed). Wife is sick and husband works in a kiln close by. The entire village was in a shock and about 100 odd people including women and children were present there. We tried hard to console the inconsolable father. It was a heart wrenching crime scene. Two innocent girls of 5 and 7 were lying on ground with their bodies covered by a sheet. Who can kill these little girls?

There was no sign of struggle or forced entry in the room. The eldest daughter told me a story coming straight from a film that two men wearing black clothes, black masks and black gloves entered the house and strangulated the two girls and ran away while entire family was sleeping in the same room. No one heard any sound. The girl was frequently changing her statements. 

The crime scene and her frequent changing of statements raised enough suspicion so we called a very competent female Police Officer to interrogate the girl. The girl broke down and told us a very terrible, shocking and mortifying story. She confessed that she herself strangulated her two younger sisters in their sleep with her dupatta. 

We tried hard to find the reasons of this horrifying murder. The reason behind this crime came from two uneasy childhood trauma:

  • The eldest daughter was from first husband and the deceased daughters from the current husband. There was a sibling envy coming from the very fact that the biological father of eldest daughter was not with her while her younger sisters were living with her own parents. Father used to dote his biological children more than his step children.
  • The eldest daughter used to do all the household chores and villagers told us that she used to get frustrated of the daily work and used to complain a lot.
These two terrible daily experiences might have caused her 13 year old mind to do the unthinkable crime. 

Everyone including each one of us, media and others were finding it extremely challenging to believe that a 13 year old kid can kill her sisters in their sleep. This girl is victim as well as accused and has been sent to Juvenile care centre. 

Bijnor Police official press note/byte

Coverage by media

This incident will continue to haunt all of us who attended the crime scene and were involved with the investigation.

May Bhagwan give shanti to the family and also bless the eldest daughter.


Anonymous said...

OMG horrible and unbelievable

Deepali jain said...

Such horrible and unbelievable .