Monday, May 13, 2024

Crime Diary : Sometimes Truth is stranger than Fiction

Policing gives so much experiences that sometimes it becomes really tough not to believe the depravities that humans are capable of. In last one week I came across two such crime stories from Bijnor that shook my normal Policing attitude.

Case 1: The first case is from Seohara Police station. In this case one lady brutally tortured her husband. No one could have believed the story of husband that her wife tortured him if that entire was not caught in the camera. This story caught the focus of national media and some international media people also covered it. Bijnor Police did a good job and arrested the lady within a day and sent her to Jail where she rightly belong. This also underscores the main point about our cognitive and societal biases where women are mainly considered victims in almost all matrimonial disputes. We need to get rid of all our such biases.

Detailed press note is here:

Case 2: The second case is from Dhampur Police Station. In this case one serving Police constable planned a heinous crime to put pressure on the family of girl with whom he had tumultuous affair few years back. He called his friends and after liquor session he asked his friend to shoot him in the leg so that later he can blame brother of the girl for the attack. His story was almost fullproof but the detailed investigation and interrogation cracked his story. All his accomplices (3 in number) and he were arrested on 12th May and sent to jail.

Detailed press note is here:

The degeneration of humans knows no limits and a criminal mind is capable of doing each and every depravity that we are not even capable of comprehend.
As someone rightly said somewhere "Sometimes Truth is stranger than Fiction".


Anonymous said...

Brilliant work by bijnor police, keep it up

Anonymous said...

Sir in case-1 mistakenly wrote SEPHORA POLICE STATION, is Seohara or syohara police station

Anonymous said...

Very nice work done by bijnor police,in your guidance,lot of thanks to, you sir

Neeraj Jadaun said...

Corrected. Thanks for the feedback.

shravan kumar said...

The first story/incident indeed looks stranger than fiction. Why would she record her own crime and if someone else recorded it, why didn't they come forward to help the husband ..