Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Dance of Democracy : LS 2024 Elections

It's been a long marathon and like all marathons it was a highly satisfying one.
To conduct any election is a highly challenging and a highly skilled job and to conduct the biggest election on this planet in a fair, transparent and peaceful manner requires a lot of sacrifice and commitment. 

Bijnor is a huge district covering 8 Assembly constituencies with a population of about 40 lakhs and about 100 km East-West expanse and 80 km North-South expanse. The demography is highly complex and people from all sections are well represented in this district. To conduct fair, peaceful and transparent elections was a major challenge in Bijnor and I am so proud when I say that Bijnor Police conducted itself in an exemplary manner and met the expectations of Honourable Election Commission. Not even a single complain came. Everyone including candidates, political parties and common people appreciated the excellent job done by Bijnor Police.

We started preparing for LS elections in November 2023 itself. The entire team from beat constable to SHO, from CO to Add SP and all support staff worked like a well oiled machine. This was my fourth election as a District Police Chief. Panchayat Elections of 2021 was my first election as SP Hapur, Vidhan Sabha 2022 election was my second election as SP Baghpat, Local Urban bodies 2023 election was my third election as SP Bijnor and Lok Sabha election 2024 was my fourth. This election was the best so far. 

My seniors guided me and solved my problems whenever I approached them. Without their guidance and supervision nothing was possible.

Special thanks to Inspector Harishchandra Joshi (Incharge Election cell) despite of him retiring next month he did a herculean job and tolerated by frequent frustrations. Add SP Ram Arj (SP Rural Bijnor) was nodal officer of elections and he did an excellent job. To prepare duty charts, arranging accommodations, transport, briefing etc require lot of patience and minute detailing. He did excel in everything. Thanks to all the Police personnel who came from different organisations and from different districts of UP.

Finally I dedicate this successful completion of LS election to each and every member of Bijnor Police, to each every member of Bijnor Home Guards and to the public of Bijnor without their cooperation nothing would have been possible.

Thank you all 👏👏

1 comment:

Ritik Rajput said...

I covered the 2024 Loksabha election in Bijnor for the first time in my career, before journalist I thought police and politicians worked together to manipulate the election results and during campaigning but this time I observed the whole process of the election by myself, really this time I was totally shocked by observing the hierarchy and systems maintain by our Bijnor police. Firstly the elections begin with political rallies in which I observed the real meaning of leadership, our Bijnor SP comes to the rallies site inspects the rallies site, and then goes to the office to complete others' routine work, which shows he believes in their system and on their team. I also worked in the corporate world, we see how Boses comes at the end and takes the whole credit. My first love is entrepreneurship and to become a successful entrepreneur you become the master of maintaining a hierarchy and making a sustainable system to run a sustainable business, and these things I observe in this election.