Saturday, April 04, 2009

Medieval India From Sultanat To The Mughals, Mughal Empire (1526 - 1748)

Finally i made it after a hell of a time. This book Medieval India From Sultanat To The Mughals Mughal Empire (1526 - 1748) Part 2 by Satish Chandra is a history of India from the first battle of Panipat fought between Babur and Ibrahim Lodi in 1526 to the last battle of Panipat fought between Ahmed Shah Abdali and the Marathas in 1761. Indian forces suffered humiliating defeats in both the battles and reasons are almost the same i.e. the slow moving Indian army against the agile Afghans (earlier Turks).

This book tells in details about the founding factors of the Mughal empire, acceptance of the Mughal Suzarainty by the fiercely independent Rajputs (although with notable exceptions like the Rana of Mewar, Bundi, Kalinjar, Gondwana etc) , foundation of the inclusive Hindustani culture, demolition of temples by Alamgir, disintegration of empire within a decade after the death of Aurangzeb and finally the rise of last Indian power i.e. the Marathas only to be defeated by the Afghans at a crucial moment when they were almost in a position to oust Britishers from India.
The last great Indian power was defeated in Jan 1761 (Two pearls have been dissolved, 27 gold coins have been lost and of the silver and copper the total cannot be cast up. This was the cryptic message sent to Peshwa) and from that day onwards till 1947, the history of India is the story of gloom and darkness with the light of either few kings or few Mahatamas.

I am a Rajput and a Bundelkhandi (Bundelkhand is an area defined by districts of Jhansi, Gwalior, Jalaun, Khajurao, Lalitpur etc) ,there is a a very popular anecdote in Bundelkhand about Raja Chhatrasaal of Bundelkhand. When he was surrounded by the Mughal noble, he appealed to Peshwa Baji rao for help in 1728. He wrote to him "Baji laaj Bundel ki, Baki rakho Baji Rao". Peshwa within a day or so moved from Poona to Bundelkhand and defeated the mughal noble. Chhatrasal declared Baji rao as his 4th son and gave him 1/4th of his kingdom. The remnants of Maratha occupancy can be found on the highway connecting Kanpur to Auraiya in few minarets standing at the interval every kos (i think 1 kos is 3-4 kms). People call these as "Kos Minar". My learned this history from my Father.

I will rate this book 8 out of 10.

1 comment:

aviral said...

i like the way you have used the word "Indian Forces"...

How intriguing is the fact that afghans become indian after this battle...

is it the definition of "india" which changes here or is it that "indianness" engulfs even those who stand against it...the way people who fight against god also go to god (geeta)..