Saturday, March 28, 2009

This week rounds up (23-28) March

Guys, i have been busy these days and did not get much time for the movies, quietly engrossed in the Mughal history of India. Some how got a chance to enjoy few movies:

1. Lonely are the brave (1962)
I am a big fan of Kirk Douglas after watching Spartacus, Paths of glory and Cast a giant shadow. This movie has done no good. I still doubt why this movie was made. The role of Kirk Douglas signifies the cowboy anachronism in old USA. 4/10.

2. The outlaw Josey Wales (1976)
Yet another masterpiece by Clint Eastwood. He is undoubtedly a living legend. This movie is about a person who became an outlaw in order to take revenge for his family against the union red legs. The face to face shooting is worth watching. The only disgusting thing is the spitting of Josey on dead faces. 8/10.

3. Battle Star Galactica (2004-2009)
My all time favourite sci-fi series ended last week. The humans and cylons finally find earth after going through many cycles of construction and destruction, as they say "It has happened before. It will happen again". I completely enjoyed all the 4 seasons of BSG and i have become a great fan of entire team. Adamas, Roslin, Starbuck, Baltar, Tigh Chief etc are simply awesome. This series is a must for any sci-fi lover. 9/10.

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