Wednesday, May 13, 2009

15 days of solitude in United Kingdom Part 2

And the last part goes:

1. Escape from Alcatraz (1979)
Yet another Clint Eastwood movie but this time the theme is prison break. A good time pass but it lacks the charisma of The Great Escape and The Shawshank Redemption. 6/10.

2.Kellys Heroes (1970)

Its a treasure hunt movie but the hunters are not the cowboys but the Allied soldiers in the 2nd world war. Acted in by Clint Eastwood and my favourite Donald Sutherland, this movie has everything to make it a great flick. "Dont hit me with the negative waves" is simply an awesome one liner by Donald Sutherland. 8.5/10.

3. King Arthur (2004)
I first saw this movie in college in 2004 and then numerous times at numerous places. But to watch this movie after seeing the infamous Hadrian walls and the legendary table of Arthur knights placed in Winchester, UK is simply glorious. The fight between the Artorius and the Saxons on shaky ice sheet is simple indescribable. 8/10.

4. The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
One of the greatest movie inspired from the cold war. Its interesting to see an American hero created by Communists to wipe out the anti communists forces in US. 9/10.

5. Wanted (2008)
8/10 points for action.

6. 300 (2006)
A movie inspired by white race supremacy theory in the garb of freedom and rationalism. Asians were shown as barbarians compare to freedom loving and "all powerful" Spartans. I dont see any difference between the Xerces and Alexander of Macedon and yet Alexander is called "The Great" while Xerces is shown in the movie as a pervert and tyrrant. This is supreme Racism. When Greeks fight for their independence they are called greats and when they conquer foreign lands they are again called greats while Asians are called people without any culture.
If you want to check Indian Thermopylae check out this link, battle of saragarhi. Not many Indians know this. 7/10.

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