Saturday, November 13, 2010

Book Review [33] : Autobiography - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

Dr. King(1929-1968) was the one of the greatest apostles of non-violent struggle against the unjust laws and played a key role in civil rights movement of USA. It is hard to believe that pathetic racist laws such as different schools for blacks and whites, different churches, clubs ,different seats in buses etc were prevalent in USA even in 1960's. But the Blacks never lost the hope and under Dr. King they were able to win back their rights after more than 400 years of serfdom. Freedom is not given, its always taken. His dream eventually came true (although symbolically) when Barrack Obama became the president of USA in 2009. USA has made great strides in abolishing almost all racial barriers among different racial groups and it has to be commended for this. As an India, i feel enormous shame when i still see the same caste system is still prevalent with almost same vigor in almost all the villages of India. If Gandhi can inspire some one too distant in space and time why we are not getting inspired. Has the paradise been lost forever or still we have some bits left? The best time for justice, freedom and peace is always now. Its better to die on the roads, jails, fields of India fighting for justice than to make a butchery of our conscience. 
Highly Recommended (8/10)

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