Saturday, November 24, 2012

Book Reviews [42/43] : 'The Indus Intercept' and 'The Shadow Throne'

This week i started marathon of reading fictional books. Read two books 'Shadow Throne' and 'The Indus Intercept' with the main theme of political turmoil in the subcontinent. 

This book is an amazing story of a Baluchi insurgent group of Baluchistan. It exposes very eruditely the game played by various Spy agencies including CIA, ISI and RAW in the Afghan-Pakistan region, How these agencies use these insurgent groups for their own selfish tactical reasons. Amidst all the violence and espionage, this book beautifully portrays the love story of two Baluchi fighters and a reluctant CIA agent. The author has done a great research on the Baluchistan and the geopolitics of the sub-continent. The story hinges around a brave and principled Baluchi warrior who plans to create an insurgency to liberate his homeland Baluchistan from the claws of Pakistan and his exploitations of and by CIA, RAW. The use of Indus Valley Civilization script in this book is very interesting and intriguing. 
Highly recommended book (8/10)

This book was written with an 'anti-India mindset' and it really shocks and shames me that it is written by a person with an Indian name. The theme hinges around a nuclear holocaust plot by the RAW agents who want to see the complete annihilation of Pakistan by triggering Nuclear attack from Pakistan into India. In this book the ISI are the good guys while RAW are the bad guys and there are two Indian heroes. This book invokes Kushana empire and Menander rather naively and the ststrength of the entire plot is based on the legend of a great leader who will create a nation for the Hazaras in Afghan-Pak region. It took 4 hours to read this book completely. Strictly not recommended by me although it might be a time pass while traveling for some.
Not even a Time Pass (3/10)
Both these books can be ordered on Flipkart and they are pretty reasonably priced.

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